Andria Mantle

Development Manager

What do you want College Bound students to learn from your college experience?
My bachelors degree is in Technical Theatre and Design. While I’m not currently working in theatre, I do not regret my degree for one second. I’ve been able to apply the theatre training I received in so many areas of my life professionally and personally. I gained practical skills like sewing and welding as well as soft skills like collaboration and creative problem-solving. So from my college experience, I want CB students to understand earning your degree is more than getting training for your specific major you’re getting training you can use the rest of your life and in all aspects of your life.

What is one piece of advice you would have for a CB student entering college?
One piece of advice I would offer a CB student entering college would be to seek out opportunities and be involved early on. Work with your professors and advisors to find opportunities that can propel your forward in your college career.

How did you overcome your biggest challenge in college?
I had a particularly difficult class-load one semester sophomore year. I overcame by keeping things in perspective, staying focused, and relying on my support system.

Contact Information:

Phone: 314-606-6196